The past year has been nothing less than Divine! He has proved Himself in so many ways. Together we touched lives of South Sudanese. By being the hands and feet of Jesus we ministered to orphaned children, women, clergy, UMC staff, and prisoners. We are "the body of Christ and individually members of it." I Cor 12:27
On January 1 will be going to Arua, Uganda to serve the displaced UMC orphaned children and support the South Sudan United Methodist Church staff headquartered in Arua and Yei. My main focus is to give love, support, encouragement, and hope for the displaced to over come their unfortunate situation and grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. They need to become strong Christian leaders for they are the only hope for the future of South Sudan.
Thank you again for your partnership with me over the past year to advance the Kingdom of God in South Sudan. In my heart I know we made a difference in many lives in different ways. I hope our relationship continues over the next year. If you would like to join the crusade to make strong Christ followers and leaders for South Sudan click on The Mission Society logo. You will be directed to a secure site for making tax deductible donations to my ministry #3080. Shukran wa Rabuna bariku itakum. (Thank you and God bless you!)