"Our God Reigns!"

"Our God Reigns!"
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Looking Forward

The past year has been nothing less than Divine!  He has proved Himself in so many ways.  Together we touched lives of South Sudanese.  By being the hands and feet of Jesus we ministered to orphaned children, women, clergy, UMC staff, and prisoners.  We are "the body of Christ and individually members of it."  I Cor 12:27

On January 1 will be going to Arua, Uganda to serve the displaced UMC orphaned children and support the South Sudan United Methodist Church staff headquartered in Arua and Yei.  My main focus is to give love, support, encouragement, and hope for the displaced to over come their unfortunate situation and grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.  They need to become strong Christian leaders for they are the only hope for the future of South Sudan.

Thank you again for your partnership with me over the past year to advance the Kingdom of God in South Sudan.  In my heart I know we made a difference in many lives in different ways.  I hope our relationship continues over the next year.  If you would like to join the crusade to make strong Christ followers and leaders for South Sudan click on The Mission Society logo.   You will be directed to a secure site for making tax deductible donations to my ministry #3080.  Shukran wa Rabuna bariku itakum.  (Thank you and God bless you!)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Africa, August 2016

Dear Family and Friends,

This update is not as I visioned it would be just a month ago.  However, seeing as I'm in His hands, this place in time is where I am supposed to be.  I have to admit my cheese was moved and I didn't like it very much.  Evacuating Yei, 11 July 2016 was not my plan.  I had to ask for forgiveness for my selfishness, and let God redirect my thoughts and steps.  He has shown me so many things these past several weeks that I otherwise would not have seen.  He has given me insight and direction that I would not have had if I would have stayed in my comfort zone of Yei, South Sudan.  (That in itself is a paradox. LOL).  The world is hurting; it needs Jesus.  He is the only hope.  But sad to say it doesn't realize it.  During this time of displacement I have had the opportunity to read more letters from Father Vincent Donovan a missionary in East Africa written from 1957-1973.  In one letter he wrote  pondering the question (which all missionaries ask) what am I REALLY doing here.  What is my purpose?  After his analysis the bottom line was "My only work is to be a bearer of hope, a carrier of hope."  His words were spoken directly from my heart.  That is why I am here in Africa, away from the comforts of home and the people I love - you.  My purpose is to share the hope that is only found in our Savior Jesus Christ.  The only hope that we and the world has.  The only sustainable thing that will see us and especially the South Sudanese people through.  When we return to Yei the people there will need the reassurance and encouragement of hope more than ever.  As they were on the road to healing from several generations of war, their recovery has been set back yet again.   Why are these people facing so much trauma and suffering?  I don't think anyone has an answer for that.  But God is in control, knows, and He has a plan for them, and us.  My job is defined more than ever now - to share this hope in Christ with a vigilance.

I don't think you will ever know how much your support has meant to me (prayers and financial), how you have enabled me to carry on my work in South Sudan, and now in Kenya.  Although displaced from South Sudan at this time, God has allowed me to continue sharing His hope through health screenings and food distribution in Kenya.  All I can say is thank you for helping me share Hope.  And if you would like to financially help support the work I am doing in Africa please click on the link to The Mission Society.  It will take you to a secure sight where donations are very much appreciated, safe and tax deductible.  As always I thank my God in remembrance of you.  Phil 1:3.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Lots of Hoots, and Lots of Boots!

Well, you guys did it!  You gave a lot of hoot(s) and purchased a lot of boots!!  Thank you so very much.  I can't even begin to list all who donated, but I know there were a lot of kind hearts.  Hearts for Jesus!  The project netted more than expected which has allowed Grace Home and Greenland children's homes to not only get "gum boots" but closed toed shoes, and umbrellas.  (There is still money left to help another children's home get 10 pair of boots, and still have some SSP (South Sudanese Pounds) for any emergent boot needs!)  These boots and shoes will have a dramatic impact on the children's lives during this rainy season.  The will for sure be more safe and comfortable.  The children dig gardens, walk to school and church, go outside to use the latrine and to go eat.  On a clear, dry day flip flops are fine, but it isn't always clear and dry.  Snake bites are a big threat this time of year, so the extra protection on their feet may even help prevent an unnecessary death.  You rock!!

Paul and James said we need to pay attention to one another's spiritual and physical life.  I believe you just did that for these children.  You have sent them a lot of care and love. Thank you!

If you would still like to contribute to the purchase of boots for the children or to this ministry click on The Mission Society link.  Under missionary enter my name, and or # 3080 to give a secure, tax deductible contribution.  The boot project is just one of several things you would be contributing to.  I starting a women's prison ministry that currently has more needs than I can elaborate here.  But for a small glimpse they have no blankets, no jackets, and they get a small portion of beans (only beans!) each day.  So all that you feel led to help with will go directly to this ministry.  Your support is appreciated and I know you will be blessed for being a part of it.  We are in this mission for the Kingdom together!  God bless you!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Give a Hoot, Fill a Boot!

April showers bring May flowers.  Here in South Sudan the showers have started and will continue daily for at least 8 months.  This is good news because this is their planting season.  The dry season is not good for growing as was evidenced by scarce produce in the market for the past 3 months.  However, the rain brings a few problems such as mud, hidden obstacles, and various critters such as snakes.

My Home Team has started a Boot Project to raise funds to buy "gum boots" (rain boots) for two UMC orphanages here in Yei.  The children walk to school (and everywhere), and work daily in the fields hoeing, planting, and harvesting.  The boots will protect them from rocks and debris that are hidden in the muddy potholes (there are no paved roads or paths), and from the critters that are hidden in the bush.   Boots cost $6-$8 a pair which need to be purchased here.  Mainly because there is no way to ship them over here in a timely, cost effective way.  

You can help support this project in several different ways:

1.  Put cash or check in one of the rain boots you find in your area.  As of now there are boots in Florida at St. Paul UMC 1199 Highland Ave, Adam and Eve Day Spa 8000 Seminole Blvd, Seminole, Yanny's by the Highland Publix, and Golden Bear Restaurant Missouri Ave, Clearwater.
2.  Write a check or give cash in Florida to Megan Armstrong or Darlene Coburn, and in Georgia to Dawn Dysart.  (Contact information below.)
3.  Put a boot out at your location (boot or collection agent with a picture of a boot on it).  Contact Megan for more details.
4.  Send a donation to The Mission Society and designate the funds to go to my account for the Boot Project from the link on this website.

All proceeds from the boot project will go directly to buying boots for the children.  If there is money left over from buying boots it will be used for other items needed to protect the children from the rain:  i.e. closed toed shoes, umbrellas, ponchos, etc.   

For further information in Florida please contact Megan Armstrong at 727.776.4943 meganarmstrong235@yahoo.com, or Darlene Coburn at dar567@tampabay.rr.com.  In Georgia contact Dawn Dysart at 770.853.6086 dysart4@att.net.

Thank you to everyone who was inspired and helped put this project together.  Many children will benefit from your kind heart and generosity.  

I also want to say thank you to all of you have supported my ministry in Yei.  I can not do this without your servant heart.   I have been here almost 6 months and have only scratched the surface of what I feel like I am called here for.  Please pray for the country and the people here!  The political powers need to be in alignment with God's will for this country (as our country as well!), they need economic stability, they need peace in their land internally, and they need to trust God for His protection and provision.  I pray that South Sudan "will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God."  Romans 8:21

Love and Blessings,

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Happy 2016!

Greetings to all.  Thank you for visiting my website.  I hope 2016 is finding you happy, and in the best of health and spirits.  Life in Yei is still exciting and challenging.  I'm enjoying the dry season  (from December thru the first of April).  I am able to walk around town taking care of business, making friends and practice my expanding Arabic vocabulary.  It's very dusty, and temperatures have been averaging in the mid 90s - sometimes over 100, and nights in the 70s.  I've been impressed with how the people are using this time to build and repair buildings and homes, many are making bricks, and some main roads are getting grated and fill-in dirt laid to repair ruts and holes from the rainy season.  The government has made 28 states within S. Sudan.  Yei county is now a state with it's own commissioners and governor.  The people here are excited and hopeful that peace and prosperity is on the horizon for Yei (as well as all S. Sudan).  The governor of Yei is a Christian and has a lot of good relations with the people here.  So that's a Praise the Lord!  There was a huge cross raised and a ceremony before Christmas - Yei for Jesus.  Please keep S. Sudan and Yei in your prayers that they continue to give themselves to Jesus.

The Health Team has a very busy schedule outlined for this year.  Training Home Health Providers (HHPs) was done this week.  Seventeen men from various villages and communities came together to learn about WASH (WAter Sanitation and Hygiene).  They are volunteers (no pay and will work about 20 hours a week) who will go out in their communities to teach/help what they have learned this past week.  They know "Prevention is better than cure."  They will also work with their local PHCU (clinic) to help people get medical help needed .  The Health Team and the County Health Department will work together to follow-up with each of these volunteers to support their efforts.  Then of course there are other scheduled trainings for malaria, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, water and sanitation, etc throughout all the UMC communities.  I will work with the team when possible as I continue language learning, and working with the hospital and the Medical Stores.

Thank you again for all of you who are supporters both in prayers and finances.  Both are sincerely needed and appreciated.  God has two arms extended:  one to help with the spiritual needs, and one to help with the physical.  That is how I see your precious gifts.  If you are seeking how to be a supporter financially you can do so by clicking on The Mission Society logo.  It will direct you to enter my name as the missionary funds should be directed to.  The site is very secure, and gifts are tax deductible.  Thank you in advance for you support!