"Our God Reigns!"

"Our God Reigns!"
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Arua, Uganda 2017

Thank you for visiting my website, and taking the time to see what is going on in Arua.   In case you didn't know we (the South Sudan UMC was displaced to Arua, Uganda in July 2016).   Many are living in the Rhino Camp including the Grace Children's Homes.  Others that left South Sudan are staying with friends/family in cities such as Aura, Koboko, and Kampala.  It has not been easy for anyone; and everyone just wants to go home.  Meanwhile everyone is trying to make the best of their situation.  It is really hard though because homes are still make shift tents, there aren't many jobs to earn money to get food, medications, and other essentials, and schools are far away and expensive.  That's the reality.

In case you are wondering how you can help I've listed below some areas you may be interested in:
1.  Biblically based Trauma Healing Workshops - Each session costs about $75 - $100 for me to present depending on how many attend.  I would like to do 3 a month.  I have enough to do 1 a month.  There is a need to expand trainings for topics such as Domestic Violence, as well.
2.  UMC Grace Children's Home - Kids at Rhino camp.  Support for clothes, shoes, school tuition, daily needs
3.  Pastors, church leaders, and others at Rhino camp from UMC.  Many are families needing support and schooling assistance.
4.  Families/Children outside the refugee camp:  Daily needs - food, medication; school tuition.
5.  Prison ministry in Yei - It's beyond crisis situation.   I can still get money to Yei for the prison ministry to bring fresh food and staples to the prisoners, as they pray and share the Word with them.
6.  Prison ministry in Arua - I'm trying to get the women Bibles in various languages

Please contact me if you have questions:  goodwin.carolyn99@gmail.com.  Or you can donate tax deductible donations on my secure account at TMS-Global.  Click on the TMS Global logo to the right and enter my name or # 3080.   Thank you for your generous donations and prayers!  Please pray for peace in South Sudan.  Pray the leader's are drawn to the Lord, turn and repent, and follow His direction so the people can go home.  God bless you!