"Our God Reigns!"

"Our God Reigns!"
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


May 15 , 2015 Doors Will Be Open Between the Hours of
6 – 8 PM
St. Paul United Methodist Church
Christian Life Enrichment Center, LuAnn Willey Fellowship Hall NW Corner of Rosery & Highland Avenue in Largo 

Carolyn Goodwin is preparing to leave her home and serve God in, not only another country, but on another continent. She has been called to help those in need of healthcare, education, and disease prevention in South Sudan. Carolyn is serving through The Mission Society and will work with the United Methodist Church Health Team. We invite you to come and offer your prayers, a vital component of this life altering decision.