"Our God Reigns!"

"Our God Reigns!"
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Saturday, December 5, 2015

End of Year 2015

It is said every year at this time, "Can you believe it?  Another year is almost past."  I have been in Yei almost 2 months now, and it was this time last year I was just making preparations for a Vision visit.  I can't believe the time has gone so quickly, but I do it was spent in a lot of preparation and support from so many to make this journey happen. Thank you so much!

The needs here are many if life in Yei is compared to Anytown, USA.  But if you compare the South Sudanese people with an American (or anyone else) the real life needs are the same.  As we were going down a REALLY rough road I was asked if the roads in America were anything like these.  They asked in such a way as to imply if their roads were better, they would be better people.  The convenience would be better, but would it really "change" them?   Of course not.  They need Jesus for that, just like everyone else.  I am so humbled to be able to live my Christian walk among some of God's most passionate, and spirit filled people.  We are the light and the salt of the earth.  If we are living for Christ our light will shine, and we will make someone else's life a little better without even trying.  I hope I will make a difference here to at least someone.  And I pray you make a difference where you are at in someone else's life.

God's peace be with you and your family during this most wonderful time of the year!  Have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2016!